by Allison Gorsuch ’15
Every year, Yale Law Women nominate faculty and staff members who have gone above and beyond in their contributions to student life here at Yale Law School. From these nominations, the student body votes a winner for both the Yale Law Women Faculty Excellence Award and the Yale Law Women Staff Excellence Award. Both nominated and winning faculty members receive accolades for engaging classroom discussion, supporting students in and out of the classroom, and for using the YLW Speak Up! guidelines to encourage equitable classroom participation. Nominated and winning staff members often receive recognition for their indispensible wisdom, tireless support of various student activities, and simply being a friendly, positive force in the law school halls.
This year was no different. Professor Roberta Romano won the Faculty Excellence Award for her engaging classroom teaching and exuberant support of students interested in corporate law. In an unprecedented move, The Entire Law Library Staff won the Staff Excellence Award in recognition of their unparalleled communal work this year to engage students in the life of the law library, from starting the student library advisory council to offering homemade baked goods during exams.

In addition, the Yale Law Women Executive Board awarded the third YLW Leadership Award to Adrien Weibgen, class of 2014. With this award, YLW honored Adrien’s contributions to furthering the mission of YLW like welcoming 1Ls with a diversity training, circulating a compiled guide of tips called “Yale Law Secrets” to the student body, and promoting healthy dialogue about race, gender, class, and other important issues at the law school.

We couldn’t be prouder to honor our winners this year for their dedication to improving student life here at YLS through great teaching, crucial support, and dedicated advocacy to equality. Keep an eye out next year to catch a faculty member or staff member going above and beyond – and maybe it will be their name in the winning envelope!